Bella’s Journey to Get Back Home

Bella had not been herself for awhile. Her appetite had declined and she had periodic episodes of being unbalanced when she walked. Our local vet had not been able to pinpoint a specific diagnosis. Pigs can be tricky to diagnose and sedating them is never easy and can be very risky. We were exceedingly concerned Bella could decline to a point from which she could not return.  So we made the decision to drive her about 5 hours to the UC Davis Vet Hospital for diagnostics. 

It’s a big deal to transport any large animal and it’s also a big deal for Bill and me to leave the sanctuary...especially at the same time. Fortunately, our trusted friend and Board Member, Lori, was 100% supportive and in favor of our taking Bella to Davis. So with the help of our volunteers Concetta and Meredith...Lori covered for us and took care of our 50 other animals. Thank you all!

We departed at three a.m. with Bella in our horse trailer. For her comfort and safety, we needed to transport Bella while the temperature was still cool outside. When we arrived, the doctor and staff members met us at the door of the hospital. Because of Covid-19 protocols, Bill and I could not step inside the hospital doors but we could help get Bella off our trailer. At first Bella said “Nope. That’s OK, I’d rather stay in the trailer.” But when we offered her fresh watermelon she changed her mind! 

Upon arrival at UCDavis Vet Hospital Bella said…“You seem like very nice people, and I know Mom and Dad drove a long way to get me here, but I’d really rather not get off this trailer. Thanks anyway.”

Upon arrival at UCDavis Vet Hospital Bella said…“You seem like very nice people, and I know Mom and Dad drove a long way to get me here, but I’d really rather not get off this trailer. Thanks anyway.”

Then Bella said “Ooooh…Mom has watermelon? On second thought I think I will get off the trailer!” Yay for Bella!

Then Bella said “Ooooh…Mom has watermelon? On second thought I think I will get off the trailer!” Yay for Bella!

Bill and I said a temporary good-bye to Bella and checked into a hotel that had strict Covid-19 protocols. We had packed enough of our own food for several days because we did not want to eat in restaurants while we waited for news on Bella. Bill worked full-time out of the hotel room doing his “regular” job for Soligent Solar Distribution. I did my on-line sanctuary work and waited for my phone to ring!


After a 4 1/2 drive in the middle of the night with our sick pig Bella, we arrive at UC Davis.


After an exam, bloodwork and tests on Bella the doctor called us. She had determined Bella had a deep inner ear infection. Sounds simple right? Not so! Because it was not possible to reach the infection to get a culture, the best way to know how much damage was inside Bella’s head would be a CT scan. We made the decision to say yes because if it was determined the infection had reached Bella’s brain or spinal cord...Bill and I would have had to make a very hard decision for Bella. Because we believe it’s all about quality of life. 

The CT scan was expensive, but we felt it was necessary. It is a non-invasive procedure but Bella would have to be anesthetized and there are always risks from general anesthesia...especially with pigs. 

And then we waited. And waited. We were on “pins and needles” waiting to hear first that Bella had awakened from the anesthesia and then to get the CT results. 

The very good news? The infection had not reached Bella’s brain. That is important. Very important. And though the infection may never go away entirely, it can be managed. So we have brought Bella home. She is on medications, but she is happy and active and she has a healthy appetite. 

Time to get Bella off the trailer!


Do we know how long Bella will continue to thrive? No. Do we hope she will have quality of life and be with us many years? A resounding yes! We love Bella so much!

We do the best we can to make fair and rational decisions about the care of all of our animals. We love them ALL. We will always do what we feel is best for them. Sometimes this passion/mission of ours is heartbreaking. Other times I feel like my heart will burst with happiness. 

Welcome home Bella! And thank you to everyone who donated to help with Bella’s hospital bill!

With a little help, Bella goes happily back to her paddock and her friends.


Written by:
Tracey Soucy

Co-Founder of Loving Farm Animal Sanctuary
(Pictured with Bella)

Bella is back cruising in the pig pasture like the old days!


Mustang Dan - From slaughter pen to safe forever!